
My daughter loves music. So I built her an mp3 player: The Dudel. It’s not a groundbreaking invention and certainly not the first player ever built, but she’s really happy with it. The rugged yet natural hardwood design has stood the test of time and won countless battles against hardwood floors, vomit and pokey sticks. The simple user interface let’s a two year get the hang of it in no time and uploading songs is a breeze.

Since the orignal Dudel raised a lot of interest in the community and among friends, I’ve decided to make one for everybody. To make it right I will need some time to redesign the electronics, optimize the mechanical concept and source the materials.

Why name the player Dudel, you might ask? “Turn the gedudel off!”, would my mother say, if some (un)necessary music was running in the background. Whether the Scottish or my mom first came up with the word dudel will remain unknown. Nevertheless I’m happy to name the thing that does the gedudel: Dudel.